Thursday, May 10, 2012

Anti-gun Los Angeles Buyback Program 2012

The anti-gunners’ premise that less guns means less violent crimes is wrong. This has been proven through studies by researchers like John Lott Jr, and Gary Kleck. They know this so it is imperative for them to create a systematic strategy of anti-gun propaganda in order for them to sell their agenda to the people.

This Mother’s Day Weekend, the City Of Los Angeles will once again conduct their annual “gun buyback” program. Gift cards will be given in exchange for guns, no questions asked. This is part of their anti-gun propaganda machine. The Los Angeles City Council and the LAPD are going to feed misinformation to the general public. They will state that by removing guns from the streets, our neighborhoods will be safer. Regardless of how many guns are collected this weekend, it will not make any positive impact on crime. The local news media is more than happy to spread this anti-gun propaganda for them. The news media will chastise and mock anyone that protests the buyback programs.

As expected, a number of local news agencies have posted articles regarding the gun buyback program on their websites. Please take a moment and voice your objections to the use of public and private funds to conduct these gun buyback programs. You can write your opinion in the "comments" section at the bottom of this article. Let the public know that the actions of Mayor Villaraigosa, the L.A. City Council, and the LAPD are hazardous to the safety of the public and irresponsible and to the funds of the city. Write your comments once in a document and then cut and paste in into each of these articles.

Talking point: Twenty years ago, the 1992 Los Angeles Riots clearly demonstrated that the LAPD and the City Council could not protect the law abiding residents of Los Angeles from rioters. Over fifty people were killed in those riots because the call to the police went unanswered. But people to understood their Right to defend themselves did not fall victim to the riot and looting. You will note from this video that one of the businesses that was left unprotected was looted and destroyed by rioters. The second half of the video shows armed business owners protecting their storefront. Notice the extreme contrast between the two. The store that was protected was quiet and peaceful while just down the block, the rioters victimized other businesses. Stunning.

1992 Los Angeles Riot video:

South Bay Members' Council
Of The NRA

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